Bugs fixed...

SportDyno V3.3, Bugs fixed

  • APR/12/2007, release 004: "Make Average" function bugs fixed.
  • APR/12/2007, release 004: When using several dyno profiles, some values such inertia were not updated after changing the current dynamometer.
  • MAR/15/2007, release 004: Gauge's configuration bugs fixed (some values were not stored).

SportDyno V3.2, Bugs fixed

  • APR/12/2007, release 031: "Make Average" function bugs fixed.
  • APR/12/2007, release 031: When using several dyno profiles, some values such inertia were not updated after changing the current dynamometer.
  • MAR/15/2007, release 030: Gauge's configuration bugs fixed (some values were not stored).
  • JUL/ 7/2006, release 026: Option "simulate" in gauges window went to "x1" every time the gauges window was open. Now it is fixed, the value is kept.
  • JUL/ 7/2006, release 026: Bug in channel initialization did lambda boxes to display 0 until the user changed the configuration by hand. Now it is fixed.
  • MAR/10/2006, release 025: Minor bugs fixed in histograms. Some values of the histogram left out the window.
  • FEB/24/2006, release 024: When disabling channels for record, the next time the program was open, the channels wasn't present. Now it is fixed.
  • FEB/20/2006, release 024: While doing tests in speed mode, the x ratio for the test is wrong. It fixes automatically at the end of the test. Now it is fixed.
  • FEB/20/2006, release 024: Some configuration data is lost and the "disconnected" icon appears. Now it is fixed.
  • FEB/20/2006, release 024: Some channels of loaded tests are shown always in black. Now it is fixed.
  • FEB/20/2006, release 024: Gauges are shown sometimes in "RPM". Now it is fixed.
  • FEB/2/2006, release 024: Some bugs in gauge control detected. Now it is fixed.
  • FEB/2/2006, release 024: Colours after 8th channel (SP4) was display allways black. Now it is fixed.
  • DEC/14/2005, release 023: Sometimes when using the rpm clamp, the program didn't calculated the ratio, and the engine rpm scale was wrong (ratio=1), and the torque too. Now it is fixed.
  • DEC/14/2005, release 023: French language reviewd, thanks to Mr dochez.
  • DEC/ 9/2005, release 023: Some new channels in the SP4 module caused errors in the SportDyno. Now it is fixed.
  • OCT/17/2005, release 022: In the channel configuration window, only the active channels were saved when pressing "OK" button. Mow it is fixed, all channels are saved.
  • OCT/17/2005, release 022: When doing an average test from several tests, you got a runtime error. Now it is fixed.
  • OCT/17/2005, release 022: Average power (between rpm inverval) was calculated only when the HP channel was selected. Now it is fixed, and also all HP average lines are shown for all channels.
  • OCT/17/2005, release 022: After doing a dyno run, the torque value shown was always tq at roller (higher than engine torque) this value appeared to be wrong, but after doing another dyno run it was displayed right. Now it is fixed.
  • AUG/8/2005, release 021: 4th column on printing didn't show the right values, now it is fixed.
  • AUG/2/2005, release 020: If using the character '#' in the commentaries or in the name of the test, when loading again the test, the program crashed. Now it is fixed.
  • JUL/14/2005, release 019: When using rpm clamp, the program wasn't calulating the ratio while/after doing a test. Now it is fixed.
  • JUL/5/2005, release 018: The program only prints after doing a preview. Now it is fixed.
  • JUN/23/2005, release 017: Scaling on gauge control was not right, now it is fixed.
  • After changing unit options, when returning to main screen, the names of HP and TQ columns were wrong. Not it is fixed.
  • Sometimes the main screen lost the "focus" and then it doesn't receives the key strokes. Now it is fixed.
  • When a test file recorded at different sampling frequencies is removed, sometimes the program crashes. Now is fixed.
  • At the channel config window, when deleting a channel name to force the program to restore its original name, sometimes it didn't at first chance. Now it is fixed.
  • At the channel config window, it was allowing the user to select one more row than existing ones. Now it is fixed.
  • When using certain channels at high speeds, the gauges window sometimes failed. Now the refresh frequency has been fixed.
  • Sometimes, when starting the test, the "automatic start" window doesn't hides itself. Now it is fixed
  • JUN/14/2005, release 016: When loading previous tests (previous to ver. 3.2 release 15) the program loaded it wrong. Now it is fixed.
  • MAY/11/2005, release 015: When removing certain controls at gauges window, it appeared again next time. Now it is fixed.
  • MAY/09/2005, release 014: When changing "eq. inertia" and "displacement correction", the program didn't recalculate HP and TQ. Now it is fixed.
  • At channel configuration window in the interpolation grid, when editing one cell, if enter key is pressed the value changes, but if clicking on other cell the value doesn't change. Now it is fixed.
  • Some tests changed after they was done. When doing the dyno run the test was ok, but after doing it a little change in the TQ and HP curves appeared, its shape was like a little "mountain" over the curve. Now it is fixed.
  • APR/21/2005, release 013: When printing a test with only roller channel present, HP and TQ units where not shown correctly. It is fixed.
  • APR/20/2005, release 012: No bugs detected, only "Ratio calculation while doing a dyno run" option addded.
  • APR/19/2005, release 011: After doing a dyno run the program didn't calculate the ratio automatically, and TQ is shown as zero. It is fixed.
  • APR/15/2005, release 010: No bugs detected, only "Correction factor per test" option addded.
  • APR/14/2005, release 009: Added some texts for language support on "Make Average" window
  • bugs detected on "make average" option. Now they are fixed.
  • Added file "ch_presets.ini" to the installation
  • bugs detected at manual configuration at rpm2 fields. Now they are fixed. (v3.1 and v.32)
  • APR/13/2005, release 008: After doing a dyno run, the switch button on the dyno won't start more dyno runs. (F5 key still doing). Now it is fixed.
  • Bugs on colors detected. Now it is fixed.
  • Bug detected on histogram button: when the user select the ratio box on the test list, an button is shown to enable the user to do the automatic ratio calculation by using the histogram option. If the user attempts to click this button, the program hides it before it is clicked. Now it is fixed.
  • When the user changes the cm3 box on a test, the program didn't recalculate HP and TQ (with displacement correction activated). Now it is fixed.
  • Ratio window didn't stored the value input by the user. Now it is fixed
  • When SP1 is turned off, and on again, the program didn't detected it until the start/stop button is pressed. It is fixed.
  • Value table at printing doesn't match with the selected test. Now it is fixed.
  • During a dyno run, if "don't view popup window again" checkbox is clicked, the program didn't store this option for the next time. Now it is fixed.
  • Bug fixed in "input voltage" selector on channel configuration.
  • Average option (from menu) didn't worked fine. Due to "Channel order" change, the program was generating the new data over a existing dyno run.
  • Bug detected in mouse tracking over channels at "curves vs time" option, when a timeoffset was used. Now it is fixed.
  • HP, TQ, and RPM scales are set by default in the program (for first time running)

SportDyno V3.1 (OCT-21-2004), Bugs fixed

  • AUG/8/2005, release 013: 4th column on printing didn't show the right values, now it is fixed.
  • AUG/8/2005, release 013: When using imperial units (mph) the ratio calculation was wrong and RPM scale didn't matched with RPM channel. Now it is fixed. Please note that ratio=engine rpm/kmh always, even when speed unit is mph.
  • MAY/9/2005, release 012: When changing "eq. inertia" or "engine displacement", the program didn't recalculate HP and TQ. Now it is fixed
  • MAY/9/2005, release 012: Some tests changed after they was done. When doing the dyno run the test was ok, but after doing it a little change in the TQ and HP curves appeared, its shape was like a little "mountain" over the curve. Now it is fixed.
  • MAR/29/2005, release 009: When some tests were hidden, and the user clicked with the mouse, sometimes the program selected a hidden curve. Now it is fixed.
  • MAR/29/2005, release 009: When a channel is hidden by the user, now the program finds another channel to prevent to be selected.
  • MAR/29/2005, release 009: Now the colours of the scales (at the left side) take the colours from the selected test, not from first test. Now, when selecting another test, all scale's colors changes to the selected test.
  • MAR/29/2005, release 009: Initial value of "cursor" button (yellow label) didn't control the cursor itself. But when clicking over it, it started to control the cursor (white vertical line) over the curves. Now it is fixed.
  • MAR/29/2005, release 009: When the selected test is hidden, the program selects another test.
  • MAR/29/2005, release 009: Some colors changed from the color choosen at the options. For example at 3rd test, torque's color is brown, but the color applied at the scale was changed to green. This was due to certain calculations done to light the darker colours (for example brown) when drawing the scale (not the curve). Now it is fixed.
  • MAR/16/2005, release 008: When you turned off a channel on the graphs screen, it's scale on the x axis wasn't turned off too, now it is fixed.
  • MAR/16/2005, release 008: Colors of the runs didn't match the color choices in the Options/Configuration/Colours menu, now it is fixed.
  • MAR/16/2005, release 008: Sometimes when restarted the program, the SP1 still in "RUN" mode and the first time you press the button the program shows "DEVICE NOT CONNECTED. DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?", now the first thing that the program does at startup is to put the SP1 in "STOP" mode, to prevent this message.
  • MAR/16/2005, release 008: All the channel checkboxes on the main page, changed their names the first time you clicked on any of them, now it is fixed.
  • MAR/16/2005, release 008: The lambda curve on the screen was always blue regardless its settings, now it is fixed.
  • MAR/16/2005, release 008: The program didn't remember when you changed the name of a channel in the Channel Settings window, this was because there are two files for the name of the channel: channels.ini and english.lan (or other) and the program only write the channels.ini when channel's name is changed (language files should not be changed). Now the program stores the name of the channels that has been changed into the windows registry to avoid the name was overwriten.
  • MAR/16/2005, release 008: One of the previous releases of the program didn't record lambda input and other channels, now it is fixed.

SportDyno V3.0 (MAY-6-2004), Bugs fixed

Last modified: FEB/21/06